Meeting Minutes 4/2
Isabella & Sarah: First round of injection molding galaxies, spins pretty well on rivet
- hole works well,
- center part gets stuck in mold, winds up making galaxy conical
- work on putting draft angle on center
- do second batch on friday
Kaitlyn & Jess:
- did 30 rounds of optimization today, thermoform machine finicky
- finally got parameters to work, done doing optimization except for final run of optimization
- fits window, use the 2.220” die cut
- mold is more or less finished
- optimized injection molding process
- lots of struggles making mold (endmill broke off in middle of making design, center drill probs)
- might have to change size of ring based on body, depending on what part needs to change
- fits nicely with the thermoform window
Kirstyn & Colette:
- injection mold should be done by friday
Color Discussion:
UN54099 → Purple for retainer and body
Teal → glow in dark for galaxy
- Waiting for injection molding of body, after this is done we can see how yo-yo fits together and we can alter other mold components. After that, everyone should do final batches and optimization.
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