Meeting Minutes 3/12/13
General Notes:
- Need to establish meeting time: Saturday at 5, lasts for 1-2 hours depending on needs
- Don’t need a “team” Gantt chart; just need to update it and put it on blog
- weekly meeting minutes need to be included IN EVERY report
- any changes we make SHOULD be posted on blog
- anything you send out in an email should also be uploaded to blog
Body Team:
- Collette and Kristyn finished all molds
- Changes made to deal with changes in Retainer
- Mastercam files generated, need to make G-code
- Need to generate process plan and justification
Retainer Team:
- Solidworks mold model done
- tolerances for shrinkage included
- ejector pins included
- mastercam generated
- need to figure out how to include drafting in mill
- worried because need to use 1/16th end mill, 2 hour milling time
- try to do machining next week
Window Team:
- need to change window diameter to deal with thickness of retainer (1.5” diameter)
- will be milled and lathed tomorrow from 9-11
- Helena will work around us in retainer
Galaxy Team:
- changed the design of ejector
- add extra arms so we can add ejector pins in (need to be ¼” thick)
- so now have 4 ejector pins to get galaxy out of mold
- Hurricane/Galaxy theme?
- Potential problems with the pin used to make the center hole: will be a pocket for plastic, and pin will go up through center to create hole; will be made with a dowel pin. Start with the smallest possible size we’d think it would be, and then can create a bigger hole in core to accommodate larger pin if that doesn’t work
- Solidworks drawing made (not mold), and mastercam files generated
Next Steps:
- Next thing due is process optimization; 2 weeks after spring breaks
- should try to make all parts before or during spring break, so we can re-machine and make any necessary changes
- After process optimization, will need to be able to go to our final production round
- will send out google survey to see who is available over spring break, so we can plan accordingly
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